Thursday, June 13, 2013

93rd Pennsylvania Monuments

This Pennsylvania unit has two monuments on the battlefield less than a half mile apart.  The 93rd Pennsylvania was commanded at Gettysburg by Major John Nevin as a part of Colonel David Nevin's Third Brigade, Frank Wheaton's Third Division, John Sedgwick's Sixth Corps.  It played a brief role in the Federal counterattack on the evening of July 2 along Plum Run where it lost 10 men wounded (1 mortally).  The original monument was dedicated on October 30, 1884 along the Weikert Lane, across from the northern end of Crawford Avenue.  It sat on a large rock base (the same one the current monument is on) which is now in largely broken pieces near the newer monument along the lane, still with the visible markings. The newer monument was made possible by appropriations from the State of Pennsylvania to all the state units that fought at Gettysburg.  This newer monument was dedicated on September 11, 1889 with an address given by Chaplain J.S. Lame; "The memory of the hero is the treasure of his country."  As is the case for many other PA units on the field, with the ability to place a grander monument, the less ornate originals were moved. The original, older monument in this case was moved back along Sedgwick Avenue near the top of Munshower Hill.

The 1889 can see the inscription on the rock at the bottom which held
the first monument and is visible in the picture above.
Original Monument to the 93rd PA on Munshower Hill, dedicated in 1884 along Weikert Lane

1 comment:

  1. Can you suggest a resource I can contact to find out more about the Munshower farm, Munshower Knoll, and Munshower lane. have been to the site several times but have never come across any picture or engraving that shows any of the buildings belonging to the farm. as I understand it, the farm extended down to Taneytown road as well as to the boundries of the Weikert farms. Any info would be most welcome. I will be sure to recommend you as a guide to friends and family planning to visit the battlefield. Best regards, Robert Munshower
